Knitty 2015: Stereoecho

Stereoecho, Leslie Eisinger,

Stereoecho is een sjaal die losjes gebaseerd is op een fractal. De herhalingen en de factor 2 die steeds terug komt in het patroon liggen aan de basis van de naam “stereoecho”

In juni 2015 is dit patroon gepubliceerd in Knitty, een onafhakelijke online breimagazine.
Hieronder de begeleidende tekst.

I have to admit, this stereo-echo concept is a bit silly. The construction of the shawl stays the same throughout the shawl, only the number of stitches change. Though it is a modular design, you never have to break the main yarn. You just continue working it and at some point you’ll just run out of stitches to knit. The idea was planted while knitting socks. Instead of working both at the same time I knitted them separately. On the question why not knitting this in stereo, I played with the concept of stereo. One thing led to the next and the concept of stereo-echo was born. This had to be made into a shawl. So the number of stitches subsides, while the number of shawl-tabs doubles. Turning this nerdy concept into a nice visual play.

This nerdy shawl combines two weights of yarn, creating a dramatic drape. Being knit in two directions makes the shawl much fun to knit. It is less complex than it looks. The shawl starts out with 21 stitches which rapidly increases. Throughout the shawl you never break the main color, so there isn’t much to weave in at the end.

The shawl consist of longway strips and sideway tabs. The construction is quite straightforward, but do keep track of you stitches and directions.

If you are as much a material-freak, number-crazy and nerd as I am, then you will love to knit this one.

Het patroon van Stereoecho is gratis de downloaden via

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